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Driffield Community Centre

Mill Street, DRIFFIELD, YO25 6TR
Charity Registration No: 1035885
1.  Hirers must be aged 18 years or over and complete an Advance Booking Form, preferably two weeks in advance of the first booking date.
2.   Smoking is not allowed on the premises and no sub-letting of the property is allowed.
3.   Gambling is not allowed on the premises unless special permission is granted by the centre, and the necessary licenses obtained. Any costs for licenses etc will be charged to the hirer.
4.   The sale of intoxicating liquor on the premises is not allowed unless special permission is obtained from the Centre and all relevant licenses are obtained by the Hirer. Consumption of your own alcohol is allowed.
5.   Hirers must be present on the premises for the date(s) the premises has been booked and are responsible for the preservation of good order.
6.   During your session you are responsible for the security of the premises and facilities.
7.   You must comply with all Health and Safety regulations in your usage of the premises and facilities and always ensure that the number of users remain within the legally permitted limit.
8.   The hirer should make themselves aware of the detection and fire alarm system in the Centre. Hirers must be aware of the evacuation procedures on the notice board in the centre.
9.   The hirer should appoint a steward to arrange safe evacuation of everyone in the centre while in use.
10  The steward needs to contact the emergency services if necessary. There is no landline in the Centre, so the Steward needs to ensure that they have access to a mobile telephone. There is some firefighting equipment in the Centre, but this should only be used if you are trained and competent to do so.
11   Hirers are to ensure that exits are not blocked during the time of     hiring.
12   Hirers should ensure that sound levels, particularly of music, and all other activities comply with Health Authority Requirements and do not cause a nuisance to residents within the area.
13  Hirers shall have use of all the Centres facilities, i.e., kitchen & toilets, electricity, and water. Use of other user’s equipment and storage is solely by individual agreement with each individual user.
14  Hirers are responsible for clearing away any equipment used and for cleaning up at the end of each session. Cleaning equipment is available. Please be considerate to other users of the facilities.
15  Hirers are solely responsible for any damage caused during the session they have booked.
16  Any issues surrounding Health & Safety, security or damage to the premises and facilities must be reported to the Centre Administrator as soon as possible.
17  The hirer shall indemnify the Centre against all actions, proceedings, claims and demands brought by or made against the Centre in respect of any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person, except in so far as it is proved that the Centre was negligent.
18  Driffield Community Centre reserves the right to review any agreement and terms as and when necessary.
19  Children must be always supervised. Any organisation involving children must have a Child Protection Policy.
20  Failure to comply with any of these conditions may result in the refusal of any future applications.
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